Pengotan traditional village

PENGOTAN TRADITIONAL VILLAGE is another unique village besides the traditional village of Penglipuran. It offers plenty uniqeness, which are different to those owned by Penglipuran. The people have a different socio-life.
Their houses are arranged in uniqe patterns and made of Bamboos.
Mass marriage is another uniqeness owned by the village. In this ritual, many couples are doing their wedding rituals together, which are held at their Penataran Agung Temple. These event is conducted a Sasih Kadasa (around April-October).
The other different tradition worth knowing is the burial ritual. The corpse is carried by two people to the cemetery, running. Arriving at the place, the corpse's cover is unveiled, making it naked. Then it is rolled down into the hole for burying that has been prepared. Afterward, it is covered, face up-down-ward, overlooking northwestward.
Traditional arts also evolve well here, with arts like Baris Jangkang, Baris Jojor, Baris Perasi, Baris Perancak, Baris Blongsong, Baris Bajra, Baris Juntal and Baris Dapdap Dance. The dances are often performed at the village temple. The so-caleed Perang Papah is a unique tradition where performers hit each other using the stems of banana leaves. It is performed at Pedunungan Temple on Balinese calendar of Purnama Sasih Kenem (around December).

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